Highfield, W.E., Brody, S.D., Shepard, C.S. The Effects of Estuarine Wetlands on Flood Losses Associated with Storm Surge. Ocean and Coastal Management, Forthcoming.
Brody, S.D. Highfield, W.E., Blessing, R., Makino, T., and Shepard, C. (2017). Evaluating the Effects of Open Space Configurations in Reducing Flood Damage along the Gulf of Mexico Coast, Landscape and Urban Planning, 167, 225-231.
Highfield, W.E., Brody, S.D. (2017). Determining the Effects of the FEMA Community Rating System Program on Flood Losses in the United States, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 41: 396-404.
Highfield, W.E., Brody, S.D., Blessing, R. (2014). Measuring the impact of mitigation activities on flood loss reduction at the parcel level: the case of the clear creek watershed on the upper Texas coast. Natural Hazards, 1-18.
Highfield, W.E. and Brody, S.D. (2013). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Local Mitigation Activities in Reducing Flood Losses. Natural Hazards Review, 14(4): 229-236.
Brody, S.D. and Highfield, W. E. (2013). Open Space Protection and Flood Mitigation: A National Study. Land Use Policy. 32: 89-95.
Highfield, W. E., Van Zandt, S. and Peacock, W.G. (2013). Mitigation Planning: Why Hazard Exposure, Structural Vulnerability, and Social Vulnerability Matter. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 34(3): 287-300.
Highfield, W. E., Norman, S. and Brody, S. D. (2012). Examining the 100-Year Floodplain as a Metric of Risk, Loss, and Household Adjustment. Risk Analysis, 33(2):186-91.
Highfield, W. E. (2012). Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship between Section 404 Permit Activity and Peak Streamflow in Coastal Texas. Environmental Management, 49 (4): 892-901.
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